The Allambie Tennis committee has been hard at work at the club. Not only has the committee introduced the new online booking system fresh for 2021, it's also introducing the first 'Rebo Hitting Wall' in Australia to the club. This is currently being installed, see pictures and Rebo video below. A big thanks to Colin Turner and Jason Jones for bringing this to fruition.
The committee has also organised the installation of new bike racks and has had the path at the entrance widened to allow easier access.
Discussions are continuing with Northern Beaches Council and Tennis NSW about improvements to the underlying court surfaces, Ron Kovaks is working hard for the best outcome for our playing surfaces.
Improvements and upgrades to club facilities are being funded solely by the club, thanks to good financial management from our Treasurer, Colin Turner.
Your volunteer committee members are always working hard behind the scenes to ensure our club is always improving.

Rebo Hitting Wall arrives from the U.K.

Concreting the new surface area

The new site is prepared by the Telco Tower

New bike racks installed

Entrance path widened